"Desmond" goes to the appstore

Finally, the app based on the characters from "Desmond och träskpatraskfällan" ("Desmond and the swamp barbarian trap") is out on the appstore.
I did most of the graphics, animations and some game design. The rest was made by Magnus Carlsson, father of the creature, and Patrik Hedmalm, app developer.
You can buy it here

Here's more info (from the pressrealease):
Have you ever had the urge to bang a sledgehammer in the head of a stupid swamp monsters? Now's your chance to punch a terrible monster by helping wicked Wille, who really is not wicked at all.
Are you good at fashion? Then you can help Desmond in choosing clothes. Because he really needs a helping hand.
Are you curious about how it sounds when a crocodile farts? If you feed Mr. Krookodil with enough cupcakes so maybe you manage to get a real crocofart.
And when you finished playing, you can watch an episode with all the animals at the Desmond TV.
Desmond is originally an animated film, by Magnus Carlsson, who has appeared on television and in cinemas in several countries.
Desmond is produced by The Jolly Patron AB

Created by: Magnus Carlsson
Animation, illustration: Paco Garcia
App Developer: Patrick Hedmalm
